>Mon. share
>Social Studies
>Reading Skills
Return Library books!!!
Thanksgiving Dance Money Due Today!!
>Tues. share
>Word Study
>Computer Lab
>Wed. share
>Social Studies
>Reading Skills
Wed. envelope
school |
no school
This week we will have no Spelling or Reading Comprehension!!!! We will continue with Topic 7 for a few more days. Look for a test date next week!!
Remember to return the Club's Choice order forms on Monday, Nov. 27.
I wanted let you know how Thankful I am for these students and your support. These kids really do work hard and so well together! It is a lot of fun to see them continue to learn and grow from one another!! I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family!!
Have a great week!!!
A behavior that is pleasant and shows concern for others
Any questions or concerns please let me know!!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 149
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 149