>Mon. share
>Social St.
>Reading Skills
Return Library books
Be sure to check the planner each night.
Late Start...
Trash to Cash!!
Wear Irish Pride
> Tues. share
>Computer Lab.
>Wed. share
>Social St.
>Reading Skills
Wed. envelope
>Thurs. share
>Social Studies
>Reading Skills
Reading Comprehension DUE!!
>Fri. share
>Spelling test
> X6 test
Club's Choice will begin next week. This is a fundraiser for our school. Please only ask friends and family to order! This will need to be returned after Thanksgiving break. Keep reading your Battle of the Books books. This challenge will take place early February. I have a couple groups just about through all the books...great team work!! Make sure you go back and do some review to keep the stories fresh in your mind:) Math will begin Topic 7, yes I am skipping Topic 6 for now. We will learn how to multiply two digit numbers. I will also have the math videos set up online for you to view if you like. Santa's Secret Shop...preview Dec. 8, shopping Dec. 11th!!!
A behavior that is pleasant and shows concern for others
Any questions or concerns please let me know!!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 149
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 149