> Technology > Lang. Arts > Math > Music > Sci./Soc. | > D.A.R.E. > Lang. Arts > Math > P.E. > Sci./Soc. | > Band > Lang. Arts > Math > Music > Sci./Soc. Wed. envelope Return Library books | > Library > Math > P.E. > Sci./Soc. Comprehension Due 5:30-7:15 PTA BINGO NIGHT | >Band > Lang. Arts > Math > Sci./Soc. Battle of the Books 1:20-2:40 hs auditorium |
I will no longer be using the student planner for the remainder of the year. Next year the students do not get one, so I use this time getting them used to being responsible without their planner. If something major is coming up, I will send out an email. Please be sure I have your email address and that it is current. If you are getting my newsletter via email, you should be good to go. This week we will finish up our Nike persuasive essay, write our D.A.R.E. essay for graduation (Mar. 14th.), and review inferencing, Have a great week!
Character Word of the Month
the quality of being honest.
Any questions or concerns please let me know!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext 146