> Technology > E.L.A. > Music > Math > Sci./Soc. Be sure to check the planner each night. | > DARE > E.L.A. > P.E. > Math > Sci./Soc. | > Band > Art > E.L.A. > Music > Math > Sci./Soc. Reading Comp. due!! Wed. envelope Return Library books Math test!! | Powder Ridge Send a lunch unless you ordered one from school | Workshop No school |
Well, the cold weather has decided to make its presence known yet again. Mr. Ronnenberg will watch the temps as Thursday approaches. If it gets too cold, he will postpone for another time. PLEASE make sure your child has the appropriate outdoor clothing. Only two weeks of January left, that is crazy!! With that being said, I have a little over two months to get the majority of my curriculum in. If you plan on taking any extended vacations, please let me know so I can plan around those. My goal this week is to get textual evidence and vocabulary in.
Character Word of the Month
be helpful to others and be accountable for your own actions
Any questions or concerns please let me know!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 146