> Mon. share
>Math: Exit Slip 4.OA.2, PRACTICE PAGES 10-4
> Music
>Spelling:word sort
*Check the Book Log each night!!!
> Tues. share
> Math: Exit Slip 4.OA.3
Practice page 10-6
>Spelling:Choose the Word
>Wed. share
>Math: Exit Slip 4.OA.4
Practice pages 10-7
>Spelling: Choose the Word
>Word of the Day: Compromise
>Thurs. share
>Math: exit Slip 4.OA.5
Practice Pages 10-7
>Technology: Typing Club
>Spelling: A Good Breakfast
Reading Comp Due!
Return Library Books
>Fri. share
Math: 12-1
>Spelling test
>Synonyms & Antonyms
Here is a more detailed schedule for the week and what to work on and when. This is just a guide to spread out the work. If you choose to do more, that is fine. I will be posting You Tube videos on Google Classroom throughout the week on a variety of things. Please be sure to check in each day. This will help me with attendance as well. When we know more about the paper pick up date and location, please return the work that was sent home before spring break. Until then HANG ONTO IT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. It was in a yellow construction paper folder. This first week will be trial and error. Please do not let this get you worked up ( as it has for me!!!). We will figure this out and look forward to the day we get back to the building!!
Have a great week and lets do this!!!
Ms. Malwitz