>Mon. share
>Social Studies
>Reading Skills
Book order
Due!! |
> Tues. share
>Word Study/spelling
>Art...extra class
>Computer Lab
>Wed. share
>Social Studies
>Reading Skills
>Word Study/spelling
>Character Ed.
Wed. envelope
>Thurs. share
>Social Studies
>Reading Skills
>Fri. share
>X8 test
>Spelling test
Santa Shop
Preview!! |
Second trimester is underway!! We had a great first trimester, I hope we can continue with the awesomeness again!! Spelling this week will focus on the Schwa + r Spelled er, ir, and ur
in First Syllable. Math will continue with Topic 8 Division. We are showing the students another way to divide called "The Forgiving Method". If you would like to see how it works, you can you tube "forgiving method" and watch the videos. We will work on this for some time!. Science will be going over Natural Resources and Social Studies will go over Rivers. We are going to Santa's Secret Shop on Dec. 8th. Shopping on Dec. 11th.
With the cool weather, I would recommend sending in warm jackets, hats, and mittens. Please talk to your child about wearing these when going out for recess, a lot of students feel like they will be "ok" without jackets. Not so much!!! . We will do a locker clean out/check before break. Look for a pile of things to come home in the next couple of weeks:)
Have a great week!!
Positive encouragement and emotional help"
Any questions or concerns please let me know!!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 149
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 149