Friday, October 6, 2017

Malwitz's Memo Oct. 9, 2017

>Mon. share
>Social St.
>Reading Skills 

Be sure to check the planner each night.

Late Start...
Trash to Cash!!
> Tues. share
>Computer Lab.
Hot Lunch Day!!
>Wed. share
>Social St.
>Reading Skills
Wed. envelope

Book Fair
Preview Day
>Thurs. share
>Social Studies
>Reading Skills

Book Fair
>Fri. share
>Spelling test

Picture Retake Day

x2 math test

Book Fair
Shopping Day!

A couple of activities happening this week...Tuesday is late start and National Hot Lunch Day!! Please be sure to have lunch money with you, if you are going to eat with your child/family member. You will not be allowed to charge your meal on their lunch account. Also, when lunch is over the students will be going outside for recess. For safety reasons, visitors will not be allowed on the playground. I hope you enjoy your lunch and visiting time!! Friday will be picture retake day, be sure to return your previous picture package if you are doing retakes.  Our book fair begins on Wednesday. I will be taking the class through to make their wish list...and mine as well, this week. I would also like to take the kids shopping this week before the good books are gone. Books always make for great gifts or stocking stuffers!!. If you have not signed up for my classroom blog, please do!! It is quick access to what is going on in the classroom and throughout the school. If you sent me your form, I signed you up, but you need to accept the request from Feedburner!! My blog is sent directly to your email so you don't have to go into my classroom web page or wait until Mondays to get the newsletter!! Fourth graders were informed of the Battle of the Books a couple weeks ago. This is a great opportunity to have your child read some great books and work with a partner to answer questions about each story. They have 8 books to read... now until early Feb. That is only 2 books per month...very do-able!!! Any questions let Mrs. Kath or myself know.  Have a great week!!!

Character Focus this Month...
T= is it True
H= is it Helpful
I= is it Important
N= is it Necessary
K= is it Kind

Any questions or concerns please let me know!!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 149