No School~
Teacher Workshop
Late Start~wear Irish Pride shirt
Trash to Cash!!!
>Tues. share
>Word Study
>Wed. share
>Social Studies
>Word Study
Wed. envelope
>Thurs. share
>Word Study
Return Library books
>Social Studies
>Spelling test
Veteran's Day
Friday is Veteran's Day, please wear Red, White & Blue.
Math will start Topic 5~multiplication (2's and 5's). Daily 5 is working on highlighting important pieces of information for comprehension. Club's Choice will begin next week. This is a fundraiser for our school. Please only ask friends and family to order! This will need to be returned after Thanksgiving break. Keep reading your Battle of the Books books. This challenge will take place in January. I will be testing the class on their adding and subtracting math facts. I hope to have everyone fluent by the end of the first trimester (Dec. 2) so we can begin working on multiplication facts. Again, our goal is multiply 0 to 9. I hope you had a great weekend and to those hunters...I hope you had some luck and everyone stayed safe!!
control over your feelings or what you do
Any questions or concerns please let me know!!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 112
320-963-3024 ext. 112