Friday, September 16, 2016

Malwitz's Memo Sept. 19, 2016

>Mon. share
>Social Studies

Be sure to check the planner each night.
> Tues. share
>Word Study/spelling

>Wed. share
>Computer lab
>Social Studies
>Word Study/spelling
Wed. envelope

>Thurs. share

>Fri. share
>Social Studies
>Word Study/spelling
>Spelling test
NWEA Reading test

Dear Families,

Week three is here already!! The time is flying by~at least for me anyway. Our first spelling test went very well!! Pleaes be sure to practice these words each night. I only get 3 days to work on the spelling words with my class. Great first test!! This last week the third graders began their math switches. Please know that at anytime during the year they can go from any class to another. We just finished math assessments using the math curriculum we use in class to begin our groups with. Once NWEA is over, we will meet again and go over the math scores and make any changes as needed. If you feel your child is not in the best group, please let me know and we can set up a meeting to go over the test scores. As I mentioned before, I will go over math and reading scores at fall conferences. Next Monday is our volunteer training. If you plan on going on any field trips or help in any of the classrooms, please make sure you have this training and are up to date. We have Wellness Wednesday coming next week also. We wear comfy clothes to workout in after morning announcements. This will be on the last Wednesday of each month.

doing anything for a long period of time without getting tired or giving up

Any questions or concerns please let me know!!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 112