>Mon. share
>P.E. >Music >Art
Be sure to check the planner each night.
MCA Reading
> Tues. share
MCA Reading
>Wed. share
> Character Ed
Wed. envelope
>Thurs. share
>Social Studies
>Word Study/
Return Library books
MCA Math
>Fri. share
>Computer Lab.
Spelling Test
Wear BLUE for Autism
MCA Math
We have our MCA testing this week. The students will have breakfast before each testing day. Please be sure they get a good nights rest!! Encourage them to do their best, but don't make it stressful. You will get the test result in the fall.Our testing window is during the morning. Be sure your child gets to school on time so they can start their day off on a good note. I will collect the review packs next Monday and have our pizza party on Friday Apr. 22.
This week we will finish Topic 20 and REVIEW in math. Spelling is the /K/ sound with ck, ic, and x. Science continues with plants and Social Studies continues with Government Branches.
REMINDER~Be sure to send in extra clothes and snack. PE shoes as well.
Any questions or concerns please let me know!!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 112
320-963-3024 ext. 112
A feeling or belief that good things will happen in the future