Friday, November 13, 2015

Malwitz's Memo Nov. 16, 2015

>Mon. share

>Tues. share
>Social Studies
>Word Study/spelling

>Wed. share

Wed. envelope

>Thurs. share
>Social Studies
>Word Study/spelling

Return Library books

>Computer lab
>Character Ed.
>Spelling test

A pretty quiet week for us!! Keep selling as much Club's Choice as you can, if we reach our goal, we have a cool basketball show coming in....Extreme Team!!!
Daily 5 will begin practicing infer and support with evidence. Math will continue with Topic 5~ multiplying 2,5,10, and 9. Possibly a test Friday. I will be sending home a set of multiplying flash cards. Keep these at home and practice them each night. Spelling will be adding inflectional endings to words with y (enjoys, enjoyed, enjoying). Science will continue with light and electricity. Social Studies will be covering influential choices. We do have class next week Mon-Wed. There will be no spelling as it is a short week.

Any questions or concerns please let me know!!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 112

a feeling of wanting to help a person in need