Friday, September 25, 2015

Malwitz's Memo Sept. 28, 2015

>Mon. share
Be sure to check the planner each night.

>Tues. share
>Social Studies
NWEA Reading

Game Night 
>Wed. share
>Computer lab
>Word Study/spelling

Wed. envelope

>Thurs. share
>Social Studies
>Word Study/spelling

>Fri. share
>Spelling test

Since we had to close school on Thursday, the NWEA schedule has changed a bit. Our class will be testing Monday in math and Tuesday in reading. Both days we will go from 12:30-2:00. That also means our regular class schedule has switched a little. The calendar above shows the changes. This Tuesday night we are going to have game night. This is an opportunity for you and your family to come in and try out some new games and buy them to take home!!! Game night is sponsered by our PIE group. Thank you PIE!! We have started four of our five pieces to Daily 5. OUr focus has been on Check for Understanding. In your child's book bag you will find a Parent Pipeline. This will be a great tool for you to use at home. Suggestions are given so you can help the same as they are taught in the classroom. Please be sure they practice math facts each night as well. Addition and subtraction for now. I hope soon they will be experts at those and we can move on to multiplication. Great presentation from Rachel's Challenge on Wednesday. Feel free to ask your child about her story and why its important for us all.
Have a great week and enjoy the variety of weather :)

Any questions or concerns please let me know!!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 112

the set of qualities that make each person unique