>Mon share
>P.E.~ gr 3 >Music~ gr 2 >Character Ed~ gr 3 |
>Tues share
>P.E.~gr 2
>Music~ gr 3
>Social Studies/ Science/
Dental Health |
>Wed. share
>P.E.~ gr 3
>Music~ gr 2
>Computer lab 2&3
Wed. envelope
Wellness Wed.!!
>Thurs. share
>P.E.~ gr 2
>Music~ gr 3
>Fri. share
>Spelling test
>P.E.~ gr 3
>Music~ gr 2
Dress up as a MAD Scientist Day!!!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Ok cold temperatures you can be done now!!!! So ready for some warm weather!
This week for spelling in gr 2 will focus on plural words and understand they mean more than one. Grade 3 will focus on unaccented final syllables -le. Math is beginning Topic 11, gr 2 will learn about geometry and shapes while gr 3 will review Topic 10 solids and shapes. We will continue with Black History month activities, science, and dental health this week. WOW, the last week of February already!! The second trimester is almost over~yikes!! Be sure to keep track of your child's reading minutes this week (use the blue calendar that was sent home in the Wed. envelope).
Ok cold temperatures you can be done now!!!! So ready for some warm weather!
This week for spelling in gr 2 will focus on plural words and understand they mean more than one. Grade 3 will focus on unaccented final syllables -le. Math is beginning Topic 11, gr 2 will learn about geometry and shapes while gr 3 will review Topic 10 solids and shapes. We will continue with Black History month activities, science, and dental health this week. WOW, the last week of February already!! The second trimester is almost over~yikes!! Be sure to keep track of your child's reading minutes this week (use the blue calendar that was sent home in the Wed. envelope).
Spelling gr 2~ spices~spice, acorns~acorn, apples~apple, dishes~dish, classes~class, taxes~tax, watches~watch, ponies~pony, cities~city (yes, both words again)
Spelling gr 3~ title, table, eagle, apple, puzzle, simple, purple, circle (print and cursive)
Spelling gr 3~ title, table, eagle, apple, puzzle, simple, purple, circle (print and cursive)
Any questions or concerns please let me know!!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 113
320-963-3024 ext. 113
Reading tip of the week...
Be interactive. Discuss what’s happening in the
book, point out things on the page, and ask questions.
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