>Mon. share
>Social Studies
>Word Study
>Char. Ed.
Be sure to check the planner each night.
>Tues. share
>Word Study
>Wed. share
>Social Studies
>Word Study
>Computer Lab.
>Char. Ed.
Return Library books
Wed. envelope
May book order due
>Thurs. share
>Word Study
>Fri. share
>Spelling test
>Social Studies
gr 6 Festival of Nations
In the Wed. envelope last week there were some forms that need to be signed and returned. One is Grandparent's Day (purple) and the other is a letter from Ms. Malwitz about looping. Please return these at your earliest convience. Thank you!!
Oh my...it's May! I honestly think each year goes by faster than the one before!! This is a busy, but fun month for us!!! May 9~Late Start, 11~Picture day, 12~Grandparents Day, 24~Fort Snelling, 26~Track and Field Day, 29~No school.
Math class is going back to Topic 6~Multiplication Facts. Also, I am going to begin testing math facts starting Monday. On Friday your child brought home a pink packet to help practice these facts. At the end of the month, we will celebrate with banana splits!!! Practice hard! Word Study is learning about the Suffixes -y, -ly, and -ily. Social Studies is covering Cinco de Mayo and Arbor Day. Science will go over Gardening and Electricity.
Look for Summer Academy forms going home soon!! Again, please consider this for your child. This is a great way to retain what they have worked so hard for this year. Thank you!!!
Funny or Amusing
Have a great week!!!!!
Any questions or concerns please let me know!!
Ms. Malwitz
320-963-3024 ext. 112
320-963-3024 ext. 112